Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plan Bs

Plan A: Run the Tobacco Road half-marathon on Sunday, March 21.
Reality: Mom just happened to check the race website the other day and it is already FULL! Crap!
Plan B: Run the next local half-marathon, the Inside Out Sports run in May.
Possible result: It could be hot as hell, but by then, my mom and I may be able to run it together. (She's now up to 3 miles!)

Plan A: Drive the 4+ hours from today's work location to tomorrow's work location, arrive at my hotel around 7ish and hit the treadmill in the fitness center asap to get in the 4 miles prescribed in my training schedule.
Reality: While looking up directions, noticed that my hotel relies on an "off-site" fitness center that closes at 8. Crap!
Plan B: Stop at a gym closer to today's work location and con my way into a day pass by posing as a 'local resident' interested in a membership.
Result: I was nearly caught when, after the obligatory 20 minute tour and sales pitch, I did not have any questions. After a very long, cock-eyed pause, the guy said,"You don't want to know how much it costs?" "Oh, yeah, of course, right. How much?" I absently responded while I eyed the quickly-filling cardio area. In the end, I got my run on. It was in a smelly gym, on a shaky treadmill, with a screen full of bad tv way too close to my face - but I can check off my mileage for the day. I'll probably get several phone calls following up on my interest in membership, but I'll just tell them that I ended up joining the other gym down the street.


  1. You gotta learn to do the early registrations - you get better swag.

  2. Yeah, I was holding off on registering to make sure I would not be doing it alone. This should be better, though. And, I am now considering trying the full marathon since I have an extra 2 months to train.
