Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wow. Just wow.

Today was great for so many reasons. In the name of organization, let me see if I can count them:

1. The overnight snow pushed the race back to 1:00, so I got to sleep in and enjoy the morning.
2. My hubby did end up running with me, even though he had a sucky week and had been doubtful up to the final hours beforehand.
3. Both of my parents ended up running/walking even though my mom had a sucky week and hadn't even been able to squeeze in a single run or walk to train.
4. The mixture of cops, Mormons and cub scouts (sponsors and race organizers) provided fodder for exactly the type of snarky banter that makes my heart swell with love for my family.
5. Even though I walked for a few seconds on the hills, the clock at the finish read 27:40something. I haven't seen my chip time yet (couldn't get past the mob to actually read the posted results), but I saw that I finished first in my age group and I suppose I shaved about 2 minutes off my last race time.
6. My husband finished around 39 minutes, even though he had ill-fitting running attire and had not done any training outdoors.
7. My parents finished at around 47 minutes and, as the last racers, jokingly ran across the finish line to the entire crowd cheering. For added effect, my Dad crossed the line running backwards.
8. Hot chocolate and bananas after the race.
9. My Dad and I both won door prizes - gift certificates to local restaurants we wouldn't be caught dead in, but that my Grandmother loves.
10. Back at my folks' house, my Dad revealed that he had worn his very newly purchased jogging suit OVER his regular dress pants and button-down shirt. (Not as much a strategic move as a response to us rushing him out the door.) I haven't laughed so hard in days.

So, in summary, I now feel I have adequately conquered the 5k. On to the 10ks in March and April, and of course with an eye on that half-marathon in May. Oh, and, the FULL marathon the following week. Did I mention I that I bit the bullet on that one? 5/22/10, Boone NC, my first marathon. Yessirree. Bring..... it..... on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here we go again

Saturday forecast for Sanford, NC - partly cloudy with a high of 47, low of 23. So, at 10 am when my next 5k starts? Probably not much warmer than the last race. BUT, at least I know what to expect, what to wear, etc. More importantly, this will not be my FIRST race. It's my second, and my husband is joining me this time! My mom and dad are running again as well, and my mom has promised to actually run the entire distance - woo hoo! So, the forecast may be frigid, but the outlook is sunny.

And I do need some sunshine to keep me motivated. All of the snow we've had recently, and the postponement of the much anticipated mother/daughter half-marathon have not been the most energizing of forces. I'm up to 10 miles on my weekly long runs, but lately it's been more of a trudge than a joy.

I am pretty bummed that my much-labored-over training schedule now has me ready for the 13.1 way way way ahead of the new race. I am still thinking that I may just count the half in May as a part of training for a real marathon in the Summer. Problem is, where in the southeast will it not be hot as hell? I searched online and there literally are no marathons in NC or any surrounding states between June and September.

Except for one in Boone, in July, which I find pretty tempting. Yes, Boone is in the mountains (not even hills, but freaking mountains), but the race is called the Flatlanders Marathon, so it at least sounds doable.
However, as my husband so helpfully pointed out, the elevation difference (thinner air) may not be a good thing for a first-timer. I need to do some research on that. To be continued......

Oh, and by the way, I learned my lesson from the Tobacco Road 'race full' experience. I have now pre-registered and paid for two 10ks (one in March, one in April) and the new half-marathon in May. Done and done.