Thursday, May 31, 2012

many moons

Wow, so it's been a minute since my last post. Still running. Still working and schooling it up. Hubby's still running and conquered his first 10K. I finally convinced him (by way of nagging and a gift card) to buy his second pair of running shoes. We have an 8K this Saturday which should be fun.

Oh, I guess it really has been a while - back in April, we ran in Charlottesville (me the half, hubby the 8K) and cheered our friends on as they completed her second and his first full marathon. Definitely our most social running event to date, I guess since we still don't really know many other runners. We both tend to get lost in our headphones and be antisocial anyway, so it's probably just as well.

I didn't get in for NYC (again) but tomorrow is the sign up for a cool-sounding local-ish race - the Ridge to Bridge marathon in Morganton. I've already started training for this late October race, so if I don't get in, well, I'll just be pissed.


  1. I am sorry you didn't get into the NYC again. their loss is Morgaanton's gain. spoken like a true mom!

    1. Thanks, mom! I think that my race may be the same weekend as SAFF, so maybe we can plan to get together.
