The new PR (an astounding 26:00) was set at

The trophy - first, and likely only, of my adult life - was for an 8K that we were using as a tune-up race for the one my husband will run Easter weekend. We'll be joining our friends who are running the full marathon in Charlottesville (I'm doing the half). I really had not planned to go all out for this small local race, and even walked parts after the relentless wind demoralized me. But, in the end, it was enough to best the other handful of female runners, so I was first overall with a time of 45:35. Hubby got first in his age group with 48:59, so he got a medal as well. Not too shabby for the longest race he's done.
So, race season has started with quite a bang and now we look forward to Charlottesville. After that, I'm trying to talk us into a 10K at a Yadkin Valley winery in May. We're not ready to register quite yet, but I'm working on it.