1. Get back into yoga
2. Knit a small project
3. Run every other day (well, there had to be some routine)
4. Make several items from a newly purchased almond flour cookbook
5. Reorganize the clothes in my closets (this is actually fun for me)
6. Lunch with girl friends I haven't seen in a while
7. Start the lit review for my dissertation
Now smack in the middle of my holiday break, I am happy to say that I've already managed to do items 1-6. And I feel great!
1. When I first started teaching, I turned to yoga as a stress reliever. It was really the only thing that made my mysterious skin rashes (yes, I was that stressed) subside and I was pretty religious with twice a week classes for about a year. That was 10 years ago. So, spurred on by a Living Social deal and a Wii Fit refresher of basic poses, I have attended two classes this week. Thus far, I have managed to not embarrass myself and my neck and shoulders feel wonderful. It has made me realize how much I benefit from a good teacher and the peer pressure of being in a group - there is no way I could make myself hold those poses on my own! And, it is a great cross training counter-balance for distance running.
2. Inspired by an almost impulse buy from a trendy website (I stopped myself mid-click with an "I could totally make that myself."), I have started on this turban with some beautiful indigo Malabrigo. Learning the brioche stitch was less than relaxing, but now that I have it, I am able to fall into a nice rhythm while hubby watches sports. And, my newly yoga-lowered shoulders make knitting just that much more soothing.
3. Running every other day? Well, of course. That doesn't really merit explanation except for the fact that my husband and I did do a 4 mile race last weekend. The field was so small that I came in first in my age group and he came in second in his. Full disclosure, I was 1st of 1 and he was 2nd of 2. But first is first, dammit!
4. Still trying the Paleo plan (following the 80% rule), I purchased The Gluten Free Almond Flour Cookbook. I have now made the pear crisp, a quiche with the simple tart crust and the sandwich bread. All turned out good, but the tart crust is the best so far. Really buttery tasting with a consistency kind of like graham cracker crust. In an attempt to stay Paleo at the various upcoming family meals, I also plan to do the crumble dessert with apples and cranberries and, though it is not in the book, I am inspired to contribute a spaghetti squash casserole with almond flour topping. I may be the only one, other than hubby, who eats it but that's ok.
5. I had more fun than I should have reorganizing the two closets and one wardrobe that hold what I refer to as "my clothing situation". I got really brave with my cashmere sweaters and actually (gasp!) washed them in the washer with a wool shampoo I had seen in a magazine and ordered a few weeks back. Miraculously, it worked and - with the exception of one sweater that now smells kinda funky (like a wet goat?) from being wet - all of my cashmere is now super soft and cleaner than new. After a couple hours spent laying my eyes and hands on nearly every piece of apparel that I own, I also had a nice big bag of castaways for charity, which did put me in just a slight holiday spirit.
6. Had a great time yesterday lunching in a new spot and then aimlessly exploring shops with a friend I hadn't hung out with in ages. Sometimes my husband and I do so many things with other couples or just the two of us that I forget how girl time is importantly different and sooo needed! I have another lunch date with yet another girl friend next week and it does make me wish I was more like those housewives (with money) who get to lunch it up more regularly.
7. Uhhhh, that one, well, I have printed a couple of articles. But, really, the lit review will have to wait until next week. If only I could run and search academic databases at the same time, I would probably already be finished!